Fyrstu Sporin eru 10 vikna dansnámskeið fyrir þau allra yngstu. Frábært fyrir þau börn sem hafa ekki aldur til að byrja í forskólanum eða fyrir þau sem vilja prófa dans áður en þau eru skráð í skólann.
Öll börn sem eru skráð á vorönn ganga fyrir í skráningu á haustönn.
Dagana 26-30.október fær Listdansbraut JSB til sín 2 gestakennara frá IAB (institute of arts Barcelona) sem er dansskóli á háskólastigi. Það eru þau Albert Carrel og Sara Colomino. Þau eru bæði fastráðnir kennarar við IAB. Hér má kynna sér skólann betur
Föstudaginn 1.nóv kemur Sunneva Líf til okkar frá Ballettakademien Stockholm, hún mun halda kynningu um skólann. Sunneva er fyrrum nemandi JSB sem stundar nú framhaldsnám í dansi. Hér má kynna sér skólann betur.
Bjóðum við þau hjartanlega velkomin og hlökkum til að vinna með þeim.
Sara Colomino is a Catalan artist, graduated from Codarts Rotterdam, where she worked with Jiri Kylian, Ohad Naharin, Nacho Duato, Guy and Roni, Anouk van Dijk, among other choreographers. After graduation, she received a scholarship for the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York. Since then, Sara has worked as a freelancer in different projects and companies in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, for well stablished and emerging artists. Currently, she co-directs her own creations with Gisela de Paz Solvas ((In)Submises). In addition, she also performs for Lab 3.14 in Barcelona, directed by Albert Garrell; collaborates with Martz Contemporary Dance Company, directed by Eva Martz in Madrid (collaborating with the Compañía Nacional de Danza de España in a study about dance and neuroscience); La Infinita Compañía, directed by Raúl Tamez in Mexico; RIVA Dance in the Faroe Islands and Ehrstrand Dance Collective, directed by Julia Ehrstrand in Sweden.
She has participated in different national and international festivals, such as SoloDuo Tanz Fest in Cologne, ME.YA.BE International Danse Festival in Kinshasa, Certamen Coreográfico Paso a 2 in Madrid, Festival Dansa València in Valencia, Abril en Danza in Alicante, Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de la Ciudad de Mexico, Dua Space Dance Theater Fest in Malaysia, DiR in Cottbus, Contemporary Dance at Bryan Park in New York, Fluid Festival in Berlin, Summer Stage in Central Park NYC, Contact Energy 22 in Erfurt, among others.
Sara is Program Leader for the BA (Hons) in Dance at the Institute of the Arts Barcelona, and is a Lecturer in contemporary dance and ballet at the institution, as well as guesting in national and international schools and intensives, such as Pirouetteando Mexico, TanexBezHranic Prague, Dance.Lt Summer Intensive Vilnius and The Arts Movement Costa Rica.